Clownfish Sick, HELP


My clownfish just went to the big fishy sea in the sky.

I hope my other one doesn't kick the bucket too.
I know I shouldn't already be thinking about replacement, but how long should I wait. About a month


Where do I get the garlic juice. Does the lfs carry it. They have never told me to give it to them.


Use fresh garlic. Here are the directions for making it yourself from Beths common treatments thread at the top of this forum:
Garlic is a plant with its primary ingredient, allicin, identified, at least anecdotally, as benefiting fish health and even combating certain fungal, viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens, even serving as a type of homeopathic repellent. Saying that, the hobbyist can not make the mistake of identifying garlic as a cure-all for any fish disease. Rather, if used, it must be considered as a preventative measure, rather than a cure post-disease process; a supplement used to enhance fish health, or in addition to employing other established methods used to address fish diseases.
It is important not to use a processed product: bottled garlic. Instead, the hobbyist should use fresh garlic as identified below. [You need only buy a single garlic glove at a time, not bunches.]
Snap a single glove off of the bud. Peel off the skin. Using a non-porous container, such as a glass or Pyrex dish, and a sharp knife, mince and smash the glove, preserving the juice. Once finely minced and smashed, and the juices have been released from the garlic, quickly add meaty foods, such as fresh homemade fish food, or high-quality frozen fish foods. Lightly mix the food in with the garlic so that the food is saturated, but not swimming in garlic juice. Cover your container, and place the mixture in the refrigerator for 5 mins.
Feed your fish, preferably using a syringe or a turkey baster to ensure that fish receives the garlic supplemented food. You can add a small bit of sea water to this mixture to get the mixture into your delivery syringe.
This should be done 3x a day if you are using garlic medicinally.
Allicin is produced immediately upon mincing the garlic glove and quickly breaks down. That is why marketed bottled garlic is virtually useless and the hobbyist needs to use fresh garlic.


Originally Posted by NTank20
My clownfish just went to the big fishy sea in the sky.

I hope my other one doesn't kick the bucket too.
I know I shouldn't already be thinking about replacement, but how long should I wait. About a month
Being that you don't realy know what he had you should wait at least a month before adding a new clown. You can actually get another in a few weeks because he is going to be in the qt for at least three weeks. Right?


How hard is it to set up a qt. And what am i supposed to do with it. Should I take water out of my tank to make the qt or not. I have also found out that my other clown has an internal parasite. I noticed that he had a long stringy white thing coming from his bottom. I thought it was poop, but just to be safe I called my fish guy and asked him what it was. He told me it was a parasite and to soak some of his food in garlic and give it to him. But now he won't eat. I hope he will eat tomorrow.


Ok, thanks for the info. It really helps and thank you so much for all your help today. I now know more about all this because of you and uberlink. Thank you both very much!!!


Originally Posted by NTank20
Ok, thanks for the info. It really helps and thank you so much for all your help today. I now know more about all this because of you and uberlink. Thank you both very much!!!
For the white feces yes feed him foods soaked in garlic and make sure the water quality stays high. For the qt it is plain and simple. 10 gallon tank with an HOB filter, a heater, thermometer, and something to hide in (a piece of PVC pipe works well). Thats it. No substrate, and you can normally use your display water, but being you have a sick fish and one that just died I wouldn't do it.


Ok. Thanks. So I should mash the garlic juice up myself the the directions say and do it that way and not use the bottled stuff right? Also will there be garlic chunks left in the garlic juice or no. I have never done it so I don't know. If he won't eat tomorrow does that mean he is pretty far gone? Thanks again.
p.s.- what is an HOB filter


New Member
Hey if it's ick i'd get a cleaner shrimp or two just incase it breaks out, cleaner shrimp will actually eat the ick off them when it clean your clown fish. If it's brooklynella........i have no bloody idea what that is! good luck :cheer:
Good Luck! :cheer:


Originally Posted by NTank20
Ok. Thanks. So I should mash the garlic juice up myself the the directions say and do it that way and not use the bottled stuff right? Also will there be garlic chunks left in the garlic juice or no. I have never done it so I don't know. If he won't eat tomorrow does that mean he is pretty far gone? Thanks again.
p.s.- what is an HOB filter
Not eating is usually a bad sign. Try your best. Yes, just smash up the garlic. Some small pieces of garlic should be in there. What are you feeding your fish anyway? I don't think I asked. Also an HOB filter is a regular hang on the back filter.


I am feeding my clowns mysis shrimp and brine shrimp, because they won't eat anything else. I tried to feed them the food the lfs sold me but they spit it out. Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have been really sick.


I think my other clown is about to die. How do you feel about pink skunk clownfish. Are they as easy to take care of as the oceallaris. My lfs has a mated pair for sale.


Originally Posted by NTank20
I think my other clown is about to die. How do you feel about pink skunk clownfish. Are they as easy to take care of as the oceallaris. My lfs has a mated pair for sale.
If you are going to get any clown (which I realy wouldn't advise just yet, again we don't know what the other ones had) I would recomend getting tank raised clowns of whatever breed, not wild caught ones. They are usually healthier, adapt to tank conditions easily, and are already used to prepared foods.


Yeah, that's true. The problem is around here most of the places sell wild caught clowns. The pair at the fishstore now, that I want to get but can't, are tank raised. I wish I had never started the tank the way I did. I am starting to regret alot of the choices I made. I tried to take the cheaper route, but now it is costing me more and more. I just went and bought a uv sterilizer, just in case there are bad bacteria in my tank causing all of this. I also wish that I had saved up and bought a tank to put a sump with it. The way my tank is it is pretty near impossible to put a sump. My tank has all these bubbles from my filter and protein skimmer which makes my tank look horrible. My anemone keeps freaking me out when it deflates, my lfs guy says it is because of all my bubbles of air irratating him. I wish I could go back and start all over. Sorry to vent to you but I am just down right now, but it just seems like I can't keep anything happy or alive.


Ah, don't be too hard on yourself!! We all make mistakes and move forward from there. The important thing is to learn from past experiences. I am sure if the lfs has a pair of captive raised clowns now that they will get another pair in the future. If you want to add a sump, ask over in the DIY forum. Those folks can walk you through pretty much anything. You can still make your system as beautifull as you want. Good luck and again, ask questions anytime