Clownfish sick?


How long have you had it? Have you changed its food? Could be diet.
Just guessing. I'm not really sure. :notsure:


Active Member
Food can be a source of changing color, the better the food the better the color. I'd reccomend a high quality frozen food like formula 1. Cyclopeeze is also good, I have the freeze dried kind of this which I alternate with the frozen. Also if your water parameters are bad it will cause them stress and poor health. Do you have good test kits your can give reading from? How old is your tank, how large, what do you have for filtration.


10 gallon tank.
Been set up for 39 days.
I've had the clowns for 16 days.
I only feed them mysis shrimp.
I don't have a test kit right now.I do a 1 gallon water change like every 4 days.
for filtration I have like 8lbs of live rock.(Im getting 10 more lbs)
And also 2 filters but I use them more for water movement then for filtration.


Active Member
You're probably still in the cycle. You added the clown way too early especially if you didn't even know the parameters of the water. Stop feeding the mysid and start feeding some type of high quality of flake or freeze dried food. Only feed once every two days till your tank stabilizes. I assume the mysid were frozen? Keep up the water changes, I'd actually do one large change like 3 gal. I'd also throw some carbon in the filters if you have it. Also you HAVE to cure the LR before putting it in the tank since you already have a fish in there. Also I'm guessing you're getting all this at your LFS but keep in mind you can't always trust what they say, they may tell you that the rock is cured and in truth it may not. One way to sorta tell if its cured is to smell the rock, if its stinky then its not cured, if its kinda fresh smelling its probably mostly cured. I'm sure you have no intention of killing this clown but be aware that you must be patient and go slowly for success in this hobby. Please feel free to ask all questions you have.


I have a my friend's friend works at the LFS where I get all my stuff so I know where the rock will be cured.What is some high quality of good freeze dried food?
Please tell me the exact name.
Thanks for helping me.


You can also get a supplement to soak your mysis in to fortify them with nutritional goodness that makes fish (and other critters) happy. Selcon is kinda expensive but works well. There is other stuff out there but I cant remember them off the top of my head.
I try to give variety to my fish's diet. Formula 1, enriched frozen brine, and flake food is what my F.Percula and firefishes get. They seem happy and love the food I give them. (unless I'm starving them, which I doubt) heh.


Active Member
You DON'T need to feed frozen or fresh food till your tank stabilizes because they produce more waste. Formula 1, Omega One or Cyclopeeze will work fine. As I said only feed once every other day for the next 2-3 weeks till the tank stabilizes. Pretty much any decent flake food will be ok just don't get some cheap walmart food which won't provide the nutrients the the clown needs.


Good idea.(never thought of that):DSo this is a good food right?**************.com/images/products/large/p_12002.jpg