Clownfish Sounds???

aqua blue

I am attempting to pair up some Sebae Clowns. I bought a 2.75 inch one about one week ago. I re-arranged the tank and added a smaller 1.75 inch clown. I turned out the lights for the first 18 hours or so. After turning lights on the larger clown is asserting its dominance over the smaller one. I have heard it make a quick series of popping sounds as it charges the smaller fish. The smaller fish seems to dodge the charges rather than run completely away. The smaller fish has a few tears in it's fins but after about 24 hours total they seem to be getting along much better. The smaller fish seems to follow the larger one around a lot of the time. The "challenges" and "sounds" have subsided for now. I hope this continues this way.
I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this when attempting to pair up two clownfish?


Active Member
I have a friend who paired up a couple of clarkii's, and the larger made similar noises.

aqua blue

Well it has been two days now since starting on "pairing up" these two Sebae Clowns. The confrontations and noise have diminshed greatly. The smaller clown's fins are already starting to heal. There are now a few confrontations between the smaller clown and my four stripe damsel but they are the same size and that seems to be a equal stand off.
I am glad to read that others have heard clownfish making these "sounds" towards each other. I was thinking that I would probably be accused of watching one to many episodes of "Flipper".:D


Clownfish are one of the few fish species that make sounds during courting and displaying dominance, although scientists are still not sure where these sounds eminate from in clowns. It is perfectly normal, however, especially when introducing two unfamiliar clowns together. Just be watchful for any real damage to the clowns, even if you aren't hearing or necessarily seeing the clowns going at each other, doesn't mean they are tolerating each other yet.