Clownfish together


New Member
I recently purchased a mated pair of black onyx clownfish several days after getting them the larger of the two the female died. Can someone tell me if its ok to introduce a new mated pair with the small one I have left, I'm assuming that its a male? They would be in a 100 gallon tank with two anenomes a ritteri and a sebae. The male has taken to the ritteri and doesn't go more than a few inches away from it. Can someone please let me know what tey think? Thanks. :help:


Active Member
most of the time its not recomended the pair may be agressive towards the single smaller clown but in your case you may have the uppper hand if the placement of the anenomes are far enough apart to keep them from bothering each other most clowns stay very close to its host if the anenomes are at separate ends of the tank when you introduce the new pair to the tank release them very close to the anenome you wish it to host.its a 50/50 chance this method may or may not work


Active Member
I agree with 1journeyman
Also even if the new clown isn't larger right away, one of the will become female over time. (If I am not mistaken)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'd just get a bigger clown and let them pair up on their own...

I agree


New Member
thank you hopefully everything will be fine i recived the pair today but the new male was doa so hopfully the two i have left will pair up. it is larger than the one i already have but not a whole lot do you think that this will be a problem?