Clownfish Trapped in Overflow


I have a friend with a 210 gallon tank. His Percula Clown went through a small opening in the top of the overflow box and fell in. We can't get a net in there to get it out. Does anyone have any ideas on ways of extracting it?


New Member
If you're talking about the overflow box, like what is on a wet-dry set up like mine, I'm not sure how to get it out except to shut down the filter and pull out the U-tube. Then you could remove the box to put him back in the tank. Of course, you'd have to set up the U-tube again. I do know that I had that problem with small fish going thru those slots and found a remedy for that. I took a strip of plastic canvas (found at any craft store) and wrapped it around the top edge (where the slots are) of the overflow box, held in place with a rubber band. I've had no problem since.


If the overflow box is opened all the way down and the only problem is being able to reach the little bugger the solution is simple. Place a balloon over the end of a tube such as a lift tube used in under gravel filters. With the balloon deflated push it to the bottom of the overflow getting below the fish. Then, inflate the balloon so the fish cannot swim beneath it and slowly lift the balloon up forcing the fish to the surface and catch'em. You will need to secure the balloon to the tube using tape or a nylon zip tie.


I had to use this method because my overflow dumps in to my sump in an area where you cant get a fish out if you tried.