clownfish very active, but not eating


New Member
I have recently set up a 46 gal tank with 25 lbs. live rock. I have one turbo snail, two hermit crabs, a firefish, and on Saturday I bought a pair of Percula clowns. Ammonia = 0, Nitrite =0, Nitrate = 5, pH = 8.4, Salinity = 1.025.
Maybe I'm overreacting a little bit, but I really don't want to lose any fish. My clowns seem to be acting just fine. They are very hyper and are constantly swimming around the tank. I have been trying to feed them the Formula II flakes, and they have absolutely no interest in the food whatsoever. They look too excited to eat. Other than the not eating, I can't tell that there is anything wrong with them. They are captive bred, just so you know.
I am wondering, is this just the stress from their change of scenery? Is there something wrong with them or maybe with the food I've been trying to feed them? I do still have some brown algae in the tank, but I'm planning on a water change when I get home today. Just wanted some input.
Thanks :notsure:


Active Member
It sounds like normal behavior to me ... clowns can go long periods of time without eating when first introduced to new surroundings. Try some frozen mysis shrimp, but I wouldn't get to concerned yet.


it sounds like they maybe still alittle nervous of there surroundings and it took my two clowns 2 days to start eating but they wouldn't eat anything but frozen foods they won't eat the flakes I bought them they are picky they want brine shrimp or frozen foods....


Active Member
I bought my two baby Clowns from reefer at a frag swap meeting. They wouldn't eat anything I give'em. I tried everything to get them to eat. I was suggested to try Cyclopeeze frozen bar, it works like a charm. Their stomache was beginning to sunk in before I try cyclopeeze, they had a full belly afterwards. :happyfish