My Clarki got pop eye when I put him in a netted cage (cause he was picking on my percula). He rubbed his eye on the netting and it got infected. It eventually went away on its own after I let him out of the cage. I've read where they frequently loose sight in the afflicted eye.
Its an eye infection that can result from all sorts of ways.
If your tank is in good shape, try doing a large water change. If that does not work, then fish may need to be treated with antibiotics.
k so i did the water change about 30 percent....hes just sitting at the top with one huge eye....tries to eat but it looks rather painful for him to even be alive...i hope he gets better
I suppose you don't have a QT, right?
I have a hard time recommending antibiotics in an uncycled QT unless you are seriously willing to work at keeping he QT from cycling.
Is this fish eating?