Clownfish wont sleep?

reef diver

Active Member
Well what should I do, Im always up at night with my computer on, but I have it pointing away from the tank, so there doesnt seem to be much light entering the tank. I turn my circulation PH on a a night cycle (off) with my filtration ones still working(so thereis no oxygenation loss. I find him at the surface or at the front of the tank closest to the light (Hes not gasping for air at the surface, he is just below it.)


Active Member
I bet they are sleeping. When I first got my clowns I didn't think that they were sleeping but then I realized that they were. I had never seen fish sleep like that before but thats how they do it. All my other fish sleep in the rocks.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Reef Diver
LOL, mine is like a mandarin, hes eating all the pods off of my glass. Bang do you have a reason?
Clownfish along with most other damsels are omnivores and will eat just about anything they can find except coral.


Active Member
mine seem to sleep face pointed down to the bottom of the tank in the back corner under my filter. really weird.

reef diver

Active Member
The new white things appear about every 2 weweks, always after my cleaner shrimp release another batch of eggs. Hmm unlimited mandarin food supply!