

Check out this page on clownfish....look under Percula Clown on the page because I'm pretty sure that False Percs will take to the same anemone's that true percs will. Infact, I believe false percs are less picky.
Another thing that you might want to consider is this....It can be pretty hard to keep an anemone alive. Be sure that your tanks has properly cycled and is quite established (IMO at least 6 months) and that your lighting is adequate (4-6 watts per gallon). If an anemone doesn't have enough light, it will die. This is because it's primary source of food comes from the zooxanthellae that they grow inside of them. For more info on anemones, go here:
Hope this helps and sorry if it is more info that you asked for.
- Og
We use small-medium size conch shells and the clown fish love 'em. Turn them into a real home. I have read, but do not know from experience, that anemones typically live only 2 years max. in an aquarium. So, why kill an anemone when a shell will do?
Just my opinion.