

Hey! I have a 46-gallon tank with:
2 green chromis
1 occ. clown
1 yellowtail damsel
I found a very cheap occ. clown (4.99) and I am wondering if I could get it? I would want it to pair up with my current clown, but is there a possibility that they wouldn't pair up? The one I am looking to buy is .5- 1" long, and my current clown is at least 1.5". Would this be an ok purchase? I was also wondering if it was wise to buy such a small clown?


Active Member
Where did you find that at? Site or LFS i dont see why it would hurt to add it. It might pair up it might not all depends on the fish really. they might not take to each other but then again they might get in there and pair up in a few mins.


Yeah, my clown seems lonely, but I am no expert! I got this response I got from a "live assistant" what do y'all think?
"According to what I can find, adding the clown should not cause any problems, however I am not sure if it will pair with the other clownfish. Odds are they will mainly ignore each other if they do not pair. Aggression between clowns is not common." If you can give my your email, I'll mail you the address of the site (the fish is on sale).


Active Member
thank you only prob with that site is they do the shipping based on the weight. so you dont know what you are paying. and they cant really ship it out for anything less then 15 or 20 for overnight.


Yeah, although if you add up the total w/ shipping and then compare it with others, it is cheaper than others. They have a "shipping calculator" in your "shopping cart" at their site.


Active Member
i tried something out buy trying to buy 3 percs will cost me 52 which is not that great of a deal. since you can get them in the LFS for under 20 each


Active Member
its ok i just wanted to see how it was so cheap. they get you on the shipping. ya i guess if you were in cali it would be good. But thanks for your help anyways. try doing a few corals the shipping goes way up LOL to much for me when you can get it here forFREE