

New Member
I have 30 gallon saltwater tank, with a seaclone protein skimmer and emperor 400 that recently just had my clownfish die because of black ich. I did try everything but when I finally discovered what it was it was a little too late. I have coralbeauty angel, firefish right now. That clownfish was very large he was almost 2 years old so I am thinking if I get another clownfish I should probably go with like 2 or 3 because of the fact that the angelfish is only maybe a inch or more. I am worried that the angel will pick on the clowns. I would like maroon clowns with white strips. Do you think I will have any trouble with this. I would like some advice from the experts. by the way the water paremeter are ammonia 0, Nitrite, 0, ph 8.2, nitrates very close too zero.


a false or true perc clown should be fine but your tank is too small for a maroon clown as they grow rather large.