

What should I be feeding my clownfish and how many times a day? Also, has anyone ever heard of this food called ORA-GLO or something that is uppose to help a clownfish maintain its color? Mine will not eat it. I wonder if it is just a supplement or something. - Afraid to ask lfs.


Active Member
Ora-glo is made by ORA, great stuff. When feeding fish you should always have a variety. Clownfish are Omnivores so will benefit from meaty and algae based foods. Frozen or fresh foods from the grocers have higher values of nutrition than dry or flake foods. They are ok occasionally, but I would'nt use them as a staple.
here are the foods my Oscellaris love:
Piscine brand mysis shrimp
Ocean Nutrition reef, brine shrimp plus, formula 1&2, spirulina,clam
H2O rotifers
In a jar which should be refridgerated after opening~ Sweetwater zooplankton
fresh items: shrimp, squid, scallop, clam
I also add Kent Zoe and Selcon and occasionally some garlic extreme to their food for added vitamins, amino acids, and to boost the immune system.
Another good dry item your fish might like is Ocean Nutrtion's flake or Spectrum Thera-A pellets.


Active Member
u always want to feed a varied diet to ur fish, i feed my fish once a day. I will feed mysis, ocean nutriution formula one flake, brine shrimp (enriched), spirinella flakes, and plankton


Thanks for the information. I was not aware that I should be feeding such a variety. I will begin immediately. I do have some other pellet food and krill that I have been feeding the clownfish but it will not eat it. He also will not eat the ORA - GLO. It scoops it up then spits it right back out. How can I get him to eat other things?


Oh and I have been feeding him twice a day with brine shrimp only. Once in the morning and once when I arrive home from work. He is already used to this routine and as soon as I walk by the tank he goes crazy trying to get my attention. After I feed him he is perfectly normal again. He knows what time it is. He acts like he is starving. I have heard that feeding them brine shrimp only can make them aggressive. What are your thoughts on this? Is its behavior normal?


It could be you're not feeding him enough, if he acts like that. Also, wouldn't a clown eat the algae things that LFS usually put in the tang tanks? You could put one of those near his favorite area and let him munch on it.


try maybe seaweed i never tried this by i heard things about it...i think ur supposed to get the red kind for clowns...and get a seaweed clip to hold it in place...


Active Member
When using seaweed or algae sheets, I recommend that you try using your Mag-Float instead of the clip. Some fish are'nt used to seeing the clip and it scares them. And the Mag-Float holds it in place much better. Just be sure to clean out what gets stuck under it the next day.