

I started a discussion under the clownfish/anemone thread but have not gotten many replies yet, maybe I will get more replies here! I have one perc clownfish, I have read on that they can be kept in groups, and then I have heard if you have more than one of the same clownfish in one tank they will fight, if you mix species of clowns they will not get along, etc. I was wonering if anyone can set this straight for me? I do not want to put fish together that will not get along!!! thanks for any replies!!!


Active Member
clown fish can be kept in pairs... unless you have a HUGE system... you should not put two different species of clons in the same tank... unless you have a HUGE system...


meaning they can be kept in pairs, can I add another perc to my tank with my exisiting perc? thanks for the info!


You CAN add a second perc, but there is no guarantee that the two will get along. Clowns can be hit or miss when paired. You'll just have to keep an eye on them. I would recommend buying the smallest perc you can find and taking it slow. The easiest way to get a pair is to buy and add them at the same time. But percs are a bit easier to pair than say maroons (who are much more aggresive). Good luck!


I currently have one Maroon clown and my plan is to eventually have a mated pair. I'm letting my single clown grow and become female, so in a year or so when I add the second small clown, they won't fight for dominance as the momma will already be established.
IMO, this is the best way to go. Years back when I first started my SW tank I bought 2 juvenile Percula Clowns. They stuck together for a few months, then as they matured they fought constantly for dominance. Some say to let them fight it out, and one will become the female, but I didn't want to put my fish through any unnecessary stress/death.