can a gold striped maroon clown and a false percula get along in the same tank? I didn't think they could but then a friend of mine said in the hospital she works at there is a tank with both of them in it.
i dont think they would. maybe theyre just tolerating each other temporarily. if its a large enough tank then they must have claimed their own territory on opposite sides. it's really not recommended to mix clown species especially with the more aggressive types like maroon clowns
The short answer is a definate no. On rare occasions you may find a not soo aggressive maroon (Not common) and a circumstance where this actually worked. Howver this is not recomended and in time as the maroon matures it is more than likley going to fight and possibly kill the other clown. Some have done it and had success, all others that have tried have failed.
when i started my 45 my first fish (other than a damsel) was a maroon clown, within a week of adding the maroon i put in another maroon, long story short the new addition jumped, however i put 2 ocealaris in the tank and all 3 seemed to get along fine