
are clown fish ok if i only have on in my tank or should i have atleast two? If i need another one do they have to be same color or can i get two different colors?


Staff member
Hmm, Mariners, sounds like you really are new to the hobby. No, clowns be sigle in the tank, and, if you are going to add more than one, they should be a mated pair.
Unless you have a large tank, it is best not to mix species [or colors] of clownfish. :D


Active Member
You can only have one but they probably are happier with others of the same species. If you mix they will fight with each other until the death. As Beth said its better to get them in mated pairs.


if you get any two juvenile clowns you are almost guarenteed a mated pair. the juvenile fish are all male the bigger of the two will "change" into a female if that female dies and you get another clown the larger of those two will become a female the process will not reverse its self and I dont know of any other fish species that do this
i agree you shoouldn't mix and different clown species.. not a grand idea.. anyways mated pairs are the best in my opinion.. and it's best to introduce both to the tank at the same time.. Lastly one should be slitly larger then the other so that the larger can become more agressive and be the female as the smaller one is the male...
Good luck~
i have gotten two clown fish on red one and one yellow one the yellow on is bigger and they get along fine if all goes well maybe they will have some crazy colored babies.