
kimmy su

New Member
I am new to this site...I have an ocellaris clown, which looks exactly like Nemo (stubby fin). I also have an Extreme Misbar clown. They are doing well, but lately Nemo has been just "laying" around the rocks, not very active. Not sure what's going on. Is this normal? I've had it for about 3 weeks now. Thanks

bang guy

Hi! Welcome to the site.

Can you list some of your tank specifics like water parameters, equipment, tankmates.

How long has the tank been set up?

Are the two Clownfish interacting?

Is there any chance they are both female Clownfish?

kimmy su

New Member
I have a 20 gal. tank. It has a 20-30 gal pump, a current fan (not using), thermometer ( reads between 78-80), 20lbs of live rock, cleaner shrimp, scooter blenny, 2 banggai cardinals, 1 pajama cardinal, turbo snail, small green galaxy coral and a pulsing pom pom xenia. We use R.O. water. I feed the fish mysis, they go crazy over it.
The 2 clowns get along. I have no idea if they are male or female. Nemo is slightly smaller though. I would put pics up but for some reason they won't upload. They have done that weird dancing thing at first but it only happens once in a while now.
I was thinking on getting them an anemone, but they can be a bit pricey. The tank they came from didn't have one.


Well-Known Member
What Bang Guy means by water parameters is: Water test results, Salinity, Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, PH, etc. He needs exact numbers so he can help with your questions.

kimmy su

New Member
I figured out what was wrong with my clown...unfortunately too late. It had brooklynella. I didn't know this was affected by saltwater fish to. All my other fish are still doing well. We added a six line wrasse, peppermint shrimp and a devil's finger coral.