
If you have tank raised clowns, they may not even know what an anemone is! I've had to buy true wild-caught percs just to get them to show interest in my sebae!


Active Member
jwtrojan44 is correct. Anemones are very very kept alive for very long. I have the best track for keeping them but do not know why?
I have a clown that loves my flowerpot.
Some do not like them neither? I have had great luck with mine also.
Clowns do not have to have anemones to live.
Something to think about.


Active Member
There are obviously a lot of strong opinions out there, but ultimately, the choice is yours. So now that you've been told that your clown doesn't "need" an anemone, and some have tried to talk you out of getting one because it won't live for a hundred years, if you still "want" an anemone, go for it! I think they are very cool, and I am glad I didn't listen to the negative comments when I got mine.
I have a bubble tip ("quadricolor") that is thriving in my 28g reef. It is huge, and growing. I feed it squid, and supplement with an invertebrate formula, and it chows down. My tomato clown took all but 20 minutes of it being in the tank before it took to it. The thing found a spot it likes, and hasn't moved since. It fans out like a clam shell and stretches itself up higher when it needs to get more light. It is happy.
I will agree that research is important, and I am not advocating putting it in your tank without doing a little homework, but I am also not going to tell you flat out that you should not get one, because again, the choice is yours. The symbiosis between clowns and anemones depends on the type of clown and the type of anemone, so make sure you get one that your clown has a high likelihood of adopting. That research, and certainly care info is important to learn.
Have fun!


Active Member
OK - seems like a lot of you feel that an anenome is hard to keep. When I was in 7th grade my teacher had a 30 Gallon in the classroom - it had a clownfish and an anenome and that was about it ..... it was way cool and the anenome lived through 3 years of moving each year - then she sold it to LFS .....
So my questions is - for Percula Clowns - which anenomes are the best hosts - not talking about looks the best - but which one is the best relationship for both? Here are the ones that SWF sells - so you can pick one of these or list another - but I am truly interested
Florida Condi, Curlique, Rock, Pink Tip Haitian, Atlantic Carpet