
No. Some suggest a host is better, but in that case the current recommendation is to use corals and hope the clown hosts in that.


Active Member
No anemone is needed to keep a clown. They can live just fine without one. I have kept my false perc without an anemone for a long time and she's doing fine, they do like to have anemones though :)


No you don't need a anemone to keep a clownfish. They do perfectly fine and sometimes find surrogate host. Here's a picture of mines hosting in som zooanthids'.


Active Member
Hi there,
No they defintely do not need an anenome to host in. Perhaps it is preferred in nature, but they are fine without one. They very easily, as the last post shows, host in other corals.
The issue of anenomes in home aquaria is highly debated in the Reef Forum as not many survive for that long, so I think the best option is not to go for one for now.
All the best,


My clown likes my powerhead. Just above it there's no current and maybe he likes the heat at night.