clowns a lil strange

I just added my 2 first fish to the tank. They were 2 clowns (false percs) They've been in for 2 days. The big one looks like he s breathing hard and doesnt move as much as the other. The small one looks good but swims verticl up n down with his belly to the corner of the glass.
They arent eating ive herd this is comon in new additions. Is it the food its small and brown n it floats for a lil bit then sonks. Do i need a dif food?
Will they be ok. All readings are good.
(its a 90gallon):confused:


Active Member
The acclimation may have been a little rough. These guys are pretty tuff and should settle in soon.
Try using some frozen brine or some flakes like formula one.
If they are tank raised, most likely flake is what they are used to.
amonia .25 trites0 trates 0 and 1.023
the only reason the amonias up a lil is cus i added a lil to much to fast (hermits 2 blood red fire shrimp, 2 clowns, 3 feather dusters and an anemone)


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
where do u guys get all these moving avatars

They are animated .GIF files. They can be cound almost everywhere on the net.
Strongbad was found on one of my favorite sites. Homestar Runner



Originally posted by mike19881956
amonia .25 trites0 trates 0 and 1.023
the only reason the amonias up a lil is cus i added a lil to much to fast (hermits 2 blood red fire shrimp, 2 clowns, 3 feather dusters and an anemone)

Try to do a 20-30% water change to bring ammonia down.
well the big one died today ......ya i feel terible he definitly starved. We have these tiny brown pelets that sink(lfs recomended them) N he never ate.... the lil guy ate a couple times but hasnt since yesterday (his friend died). WHat should i do......... get another clown n change foods or not get another clown (will the lil one be ok.
These were my first to fish. now i only have 1