I cycled my 80gal tank with both clowns and damsels (probably about 6-8 of the following clowns and damsels). I now have 2 maroon clowns, 2 orange clowns, 2 yellow clowns, 2 sgt major damsels, 1 striped damsel, 1 domino damsel, 1 yellow-tailed blue damsel, and 1 yellow tang. Be aware that some damsels (in my experience, the sgt majors) are very aggressive. I bought my yellow tang only a few weeks ago and did not rearrange the tank to confuse the damsels. He get severly picked on to the pick I had to put him in a hospital tank with antibiotics. Rearrange your tank items when you add anything. Not sure if Domino damsels are aggressive, but that suggestion. My clowns and damsel have no problem together.
Just my 0.02 worth today. Good luck.