Clowns, Anemones, Sebae/Bubble, Recommendations!!


I have two ocellaris' in my tank currently and a pink tip haitian anemone that i picked up about a month ago for like $3...couldn't pass up the thought that my clowns might host it. well they didn't haha and i am not going to quit on making my guys happy. i understand that some clowns just don't host anemones but i was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on whether i should try to get a sebae or bubble? also, my pink tip has made itself happy in one spot in my tank, if i remove it and add a sebae or bubble should i put it in the same spot? will it be happy there too? also, does the fact that the pink tip is doing well indicate that one of these other species will do well also??


Active Member
How long has it been in the tank? It can take some time for clowns to start hosting.


Originally Posted by mie
How long has it been in the tank? It can take some time for clowns to start hosting.
the pink tip has been in the tank for over a month and the clowns havent noticed it...i tried chasing them into it and that didnt work either.
i went to my LFS today and saw a couple bubble tips and a couple long tentacle anems. any thoughts on the long tentacles?
also, i saw this bleached out bubble anem that has bright flourescent pink tips which i fell in love with. i know that it is not the best speciment but i just love the look of it. i know that the color comes from the algae growing in the anemone. is there any way to promote this type of growth and get some more color into it when i get it home?
from the research i recall when looking into getting an anemone.. I would not even bother with a bleaching anemone unless you have had a lot of experience with them before. It is very hard to get them to recover. On a side note.. I love my RBTA.. until it started hiding yesterday after staying in one spot for over a month -.-


thats a bummer. i think i might get this RBTA cuz the guy at the store is gonna give me a killer deal on it and maybe i can get it back into shape.
i have already decided to get the RBTA even tho i know its in bad shape. but i am curious if anyone has any advice to whether my oce's will like a RBTA or a long tentacle anemone/sebae better?


I have ocellaris that wouldn't go near the Pink Tip Haitian I had. That anemone was a disaster. IMO, your tank is not big enough for that thing. They grow fast and are extremely aggressive. It's the only nem that I've ever owned that ate my fish! My mandarin got too close and the anemone made a snack of him.
Most clownfish will not host Pink Tip Haitians.
I recommend a bubble tip. Far easier to care for than the sebae. I also commented on your other thread that's similar to this one.


yea thx BTLD for the help...much appreciated.
i am planning on removing my pink tip haitian soon and getting a bubble


Active Member
Unfortunately I still think have about the same percent chance with the BTA as you did the Haitian, maybe a touch higher.
In the wild, Ocellaris clowns only host two anemones, Magnifica anemones, and carpet anemones (technically two different carpets). Both of which are massive anemones in the wild, and unfortunately are hard to keep anemones in the aquarium (almost no one has long term success with Magnificas).
A Haitian or BTA doesn't look, or actually probably more importantly for the clowns, smell/feel like either of those two.
If you want to try a BTA, by all means go for it. If the clowns still don't host, there's no shame to keeping a beautiful anemone, even if the clowns don't host. Good call on removing the Haitian though, they're known fish-eaters, as obviously they're from the Atlantic, where there are no species of clownfish, they are not used to forming the symbiotic relationship, and many times will eat the clowns.


if i do decided to purchase the failing RBTA is there any food, water additives, supplements, i can introduce to promote its comeback?


I got a gbta, it's been in my tank for six months now with two OCE clowns. Clowns look happy as the anemone. No hosting yett "crossing fingers". I feed mine 2x a week. Raw clams, shrimp, scallops, krill & silversides I mix it up. When it reaches the size I like I ll feed once a week.


yea the clowns at both my LFS's love the bubble tips they have. i think im gonna go for the RBTA. hopefully i can get it back to healthy and chase my oces into it...wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!