Clowns & Anemones


New Member
I have clownies but don't have an anemone. Been thinking about getting one, but am afraid of them. What is your experience - has anyone been stung putting them into tank? What about if they die - how do you get them out? They just freak me out a bit. Would like to know anyones thoughts. Thanks!! Oh I should mention even though I don't have one my clowns are great and have been laying eggs.


New Member
Well as far as stinging goes I put mine in yesterday and didnt get stung at all. The only coral, that I have, that I think stung me was one of my hammer but wasn't painful whatsoever.

small triggers

Active Member
My anemones dont hurt when they sting, its more like they stick to you than hurt you. My clown, now, thats another story, if you get to close to her anmone she BITES and HARD, and mine finnally started laying eggs after i introduced my anemone, and now it has split into 3, so , i need to remove 2. When they die,, ususally they get gooey and its best to just get a fine mesh net and scoop it out as soon as possible.


you'll know when they start to die, tank will start to smell bad, and the foot will start turning a white color turning mussy, this would be the time to get it out, you can net them out or get them out by hand grabbing the base.