Clowns are MEAN...


Active Member
I was at my favorite LFS today getting some corals and fish for my 120 and while waiting for the guy to finish bagging up my frags, I was checking the fish isle. This Clarkii (sp) clown was grabbing another fish (wrasse) in it's little world and shaking the crud out of it before slamming it into the plexi. WHAT A MONSTER!!!!! I have seen triggers that were more forgiving than this guy.


Clowns are not mean. This fish was just ripped from his home and put in a small tank with other fish. How would you feel?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Clowns are not mean. This fish was just ripped from his home and put in a small tank with other fish. How would you feel?
So the other 100 fish that were RIPPED from their home in that particular store...what's that excuse??
Are you saying that clowns are not territorial?


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
So the other 100 fish that were RIPPED from their home in that particular store...what's that excuse??
Are you saying that clowns are not territorial?
Relax. Clarki's are not terrors. What you saw was a bit of aggression, they are not normally that aggressive at all. They are mellow clowns. Most clowns are territorial. The extent of there territorial acts depends on the fish. I would not consider clarkies a menace though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Relax. Clarki's are not terrors. What you saw was a bit of aggression, they are not normally that aggressive at all. They are mellow clowns. Most clowns are territorial. The extent of there territorial acts depends on the fish. I would not consider clarkies a menace though.
Menaced the crap out of that wrasse. Just saying that most folks would never consider clowns as anything but just cute. But this guy was opening up a can of you know what on the rest of the tank if you know what I mean.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Menaced the crap out of that wrasse. Just saying that most folks would never consider clowns as anything but just cute. But this guy was opening up a can of you know what on the rest of the tank if you know what I mean.
Yes, I do not doubt that at all. That does not mean that all clarkies, or even that one, is a menace to any tank. I have had my lion go after Sir Quizzy because I didn't feed them enough the night before. I saw my first hawk terrorize the heck out of new fish, new inverts, new anything because he was scared. My hawk is perfectly well mannered now. He is a bully, I am aware of that. I am also aware of how they can be and how my hawk acts. You cannot judge a species of fish by how one flipped out at the lfs. You cannot even judge THAT fish by how he instinctively responded.


haha my clowns dont bother any of my other fish...except the Staten angle..they hate him, often you can see where aether my male or the female got a hold of him..hell have a bit mark on him haha..i hope they get him to he keeps eating my zoos, tried to get him out but hes elusive little bugger!!!!


Originally Posted by reefmate75
haha my clowns dont bother any of my other fish...except the Staten angle..they hate him, often you can see where aether my male or the female got a hold of him..hell have a bit mark on him haha..i hope they get him to he keeps eating my zoos, tried to get him out but hes elusive little bugger!!!!

ah, not such a good choice. If you don't want the fish then give him back to the LFS, don't hope that the clowns get him........