Clowns are sick


New Member
I had three clowns and they were fine yesterday and now they have white ich looking slime on their body and they are not beign very active. One of them died this morning. I am using Melafix but I am worried that it my be too late for them. I have a cleaner shrimp but he is anti-social to say the least. Is there anything else I could try?


Active Member
are you sure it's not brooklynella, which is more common in clownfish?
what do you have in the tank besides the fish and shrimp?
do you have a qt?
if you don't have a qt, I would take the shrimp back to the lfs and do hyposalinity. if you have a qt, but the clowns in it and do hyposalinity. if the desease is in an advanced stage, give them a freshwater bath first.


New Member
I have a dwarf fire angle, a pajama cardinal, yellow tail damsel, a b/w striped damsel and the clowns.
how do you exactly do a freshwater bath?
i dont have a qt set up. as saltwater is a newer thing for me.
would a breeding net from my freshwater tank work to get the clowns to go near the shrimp?


Staff member
Are these new fish?
Take a look at the clowns with brooklynella located in the Diseased Fish thread at the top of this forum.
Formalin bathes is the treatment from brooklynella, and the directions are located in the FAQ Thread, also at the top of this forum.


New Member
what ever it is is eating the flesh right of the. I lost one and I disceted (Bio major) the head area and it had completely eaten the gills out. I am down to one and he look like he is going to bite the dust too.


Staff member
Did you read the previous post I made? The treatment directions were supplied.


New Member
never mind they all died, I tried to llok for what you said but I could seem to find it, the fourm link doesnt work when I click on it. Thanks for you help any way.