Clowns cost US$0.50 each in Singapore!!!


I only started this hobby a few months ago here in Austin. Last month when I went back to Singapore for vacation and was checking out the LFS there, gosh! Clowns cost only 50 cents each, all kinds of clowns! People use them to cycle the water, much like the damsels here! Damsels cost the same as the clowns btw. And those fire shrimps, clearner shrimps, $5 each. Was so tempted to sneak a few back here! Wonder where our LFS get their clowns from? Why are they so expensive!


One of the reasons the price is so high is because by the time most of the LFS get the fish they have passed through several middle men each raising the price. It is my understanding that in order to get the cut rate price from the main shipper you need to order several thousand dollars of fish. Some require them all at once or within a month time limit. That is a lot of fish seeing they only cost several dollars or less a piece. Then you need to pay for the shipping, this is a large expense. I'm no expert but I have talked to a few people and have read a lot on the net about this. Most LFS double to triple the cost that they pay for the fish. They need to make money too.


Remember that when fish are shipped abroad they are shipped in water!! You have to pay to ship the weight of the water as well as the fish. A 50 cent fish could cost $10 to ship.