Well, I agree on keeping the bioload down. We have a 4-Stripe and a Yellow tail with our 2 Clarkiis and a coral beauty and neon dotty all in a 55 gal. I feel like I'm pushing the limits, but anyway back to the point. We had the 4-stripe from the beginning and then a little later the Y-tail. The 4-stripe was the boss for the most part, the beauty held its own. When we added the first Clarkii, which was about as big as the 4-stripe, the 4 -s tried to assert itself. After a day or so of that, the Clarkii had enough and began to chase the 4-s. Since then, the Clarkii has been in command of the tank. When we added a BTA it became more aggressive, but mostly to the 4-s. Now that the 2 Clarkiis are hosting and appear to have paired, they chase both of the damsels, again the 4-s is taking most of the aggression. Poor thing spends a lot of time just protecting his sleep spot. I'm considering removing the damsel before it gets too stressed. What I'm saying is yes its possible, but I think it may depend on the temperment of the clowns. I dont think tank raised occellaris would have made it in our tank. If we ever start a new tank, damsels will NOT be on our list of fish to keep. If you havent yet started, my advice would be to avoid the damsels altoghether. The royal gramma or firefish or chromis would be better with the clowns. And you'll be happier in the long run. HTH, good luck.