Clowns eat algea?


Do false percula clowns eat algea? I didn't think they did but I keep seeing mine peck on the back wall of the tank where algea is growing. I am not sure if he is eating it or copying my hippo tang cause she is pecking and eating all over it. Maybe he thinks he is just suppost to smack his head into the wall since she is lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slider101
Do false percula clowns eat algea? I didn't think they did but I keep seeing mine peck on the back wall of the tank where algea is growing. I am not sure if he is eating it or copying my hippo tang cause she is pecking and eating all over it. Maybe he thinks he is just suppost to smack his head into the wall since she is lol.
Clowns will eat algae (almost all fish will eat the algae sheets). Clowns are omnivores and need some veggies in their diet.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
Clowns will eat algae (almost all fish will eat the algae sheets). Clowns are omnivores and need some veggies in their diet.
Cool, thanks. I have never seen him pecking the wall until recently and was wondering if he was just mimicking her doing it.


Well-Known Member
My clowns rub their bellys on the back wall to dislodge the algae and then eat it as it comes off.


Originally Posted by Flower
My clowns rub their bellys on the back wall to dislodge the algae and then eat it as it comes off.
LOL that is exactly what mine does. My smaller one does this, the larger one just kind of stays to himself. But yeah, he will either hit it with his belly or tail and then eat it.