Clowns Fighting


New Member
I introduced one true percula on Friday and another today. They have been fighting all day and I would be surprised if either one of them survives. It's been pretty violent, they have gone so far as to latch onto each others faces and drag each other across the tank by their fins.
What is going on and is there anything I can do? I thought clowns of the same type were supposed to be compatible.


Take them back to the lfs. There is a chance you have 2 females, and if this is the case they will kill each other. The best thing to do is get 2 juv the same size and let nature take it's course. Just my .02
you can try putting one on a qt for a day or two and then put it back and see what happens. i had the same problem and thats how i fixed it.


New Member
The fighting stopped later that night. It's been two days now and there has only been some slighting nipping from the fish that won the fight. The submissive one doesn't eat, or I should say isn't allowed to eat by the dominant one. They sometimes swim together, and sometimes stay as far apart as possible.
It seems like most of the violence is over. I just hope they become better friends.