Clowns found anemone


New Member
I had a true perc for over a year. After much research and more equipment(i.e. lights) I thought Id get an anemone to see if it would host. Well my lfs had a small LTA so I thought Id try it. After about 3 weeks my clown did'nt even notice it was there. so my anemone was just minding his own business planted in a good spot with decent flow and lighting(growing a little). Then my lfs called and said they finally got another true perc in. very small and that after a few weeks it was very healthy. I had wanted a partner for my clown so I went and picked him up. The small clown found the anemone right away and started diving in a snuggling it
. now their both doing it, and it seems kinda rough. The poor anemone can't rest. Its even uprooted itself and moved a little. but the clowns are right there diving into it constantly. Should I be concerned??? can they kill it??


Active Member
Very nice! Congrats on the hosting - lots of people strive to do what you've accomplished. As for the hosting, they can get agressive with their grooming habits but i won't worry too much with a perc, i would worry more about maroon clowns. Although in your case it would be preferred if your anemone was larger in comparison to your clown then it currently is - but again i don't see it being a problem
The only time i would worry is if you see a lot of tenticles falling off (not just one here and there but a decent amount over say 5 days) or the anemone not having a firm planted foot. In which case i would think it is stressed. It may hide for the next few weeks while it gets used to the grooming / hosting, but i think it will be fine IMO.


New Member
Originally Posted by LexLuethar
Very nice! Congrats on the hosting - lots of people strive to do what you've accomplished. As for the hosting, they can get agressive with their grooming habits but i won't worry too much with a perc, i would worry more about maroon clowns. Although in your case it would be preferred if your anemone was larger in comparison to your clown then it currently is - but again i don't see it being a problem
The only time i would worry is if you see a lot of tenticles falling off (not just one here and there but a decent amount over say 5 days) or the anemone not having a firm planted foot. In which case i would think it is stressed. It may hide for the next few weeks while it gets used to the grooming / hosting, but i think it will be fine IMO.
Thanks, Its an awesome sight to see this behavior in your own tank..