Clowns Freaking Out!


I have 2 new Clown fish (false percs, tank raised) that I think are pretty young. They are both less than an inch long. I have had them since Saturday. Today I was watching them when the lights went out - about half hour ago. They freaked out! They swam around all over the place, real fast and they looked very stressed.
The last 2 nights they spent the night in one of the front corners of the tank where there is a decent amount of flow. I think they were sleeping but dont know for sure, they had to do alot of swimming to stay in place if they were sleeping.
Anyhow, I know they feel comfortable in that corner so I went and sat real close to the tank in that corner until they came over there and seemed to calm down. Now they are doing the same thing they have done the last 2 nights, swimming in place in a corner with considerable flow.
Is this normal, will they get used to it and not freak out when the lights go out? They seemed to do a little better after I shut the rest of the lights in the room off so its pretty dark in there. There is just the moon lights and a little ambient light leaking in from an adjacent room.
My other question is - are they really sleeping even though it looks like they have to swim to stay in place? They have stayed there the entire night the last 2 nights, in the corner huddled up close to each other.


Active Member
I know this may sound strange,but I read that they will eventually "dance" in their favorite spot. I didnt believe it until I saw it for myself. Are they eating? Are there any other fish in the tank or inverts?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I just picked of 2 small perc a few days ago and they did the same thing untill the got familiar with thier new enviroment. They seem to be happy now and eating well ,just swim around checkin out everything .


they are the only fish in the tank along with about 5 nassarius snails, 1 margarita snail, 1 emerald crab, 6 blue leg hermits, 2 red leg hermits.
They eat like pigs, they eat everything I put in there like its going to be their last meal. They go into a feeding frenzy when I put food in, pretty fun to watch. I feed them every day and I'm really afraid of over feeding but they eat every last spec of food I put in. I put a pinch of flake in and a little while after they finish it off I put a pinch of dreid brine shrimp and they dont miss a single morsel.
i'm just worreid they stress out and not sure if they are sleeping.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I just picked of 2 small perc a few days ago and they did the same thing untill the got familiar with thier new enviroment. They seem to be happy now and eating well ,just swim around checkin out everything .

well this makes me feel a little better. Could you tell if they were sleeping the first few nights? I woke up several times during the night last night and the were just swimming in place in the corner all night long. Not sure they could be sleeping in that much flow.


Mine was acting like that when I first put them in the tank. It took about 2 weeks for them to act like other clowns I'm seen. One is even hosting my open Brain coral. Its funny, he lays on it like its a big bed.