clowns in a nano?


Active Member
I would recomend none. Go with a goby or something of that nature a nice sailfin with a pistol shrimp would be cool.


Active Member

Originally posted by bigarn
Two Percs in a 10 gallon and up would be fine. :D

Everything I have read, kind of says that percs should be housed in 20g minimum, even some of the less, shall we say reputable retailers say 20gallons.


Active Member
I respect your opinion bronco, but I'm doing it, as well as alot of other nanoers'. It's proven to be fine, they don't require alot of real estate to stake out. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by bigarn
I respect your opinion bronco, but I'm doing it, as well as alot of other nanoers'. It's proven to be fine, they don't require alot of real estate to stake out. :D

I'd say one - if you want a pair go with a 20