Clowns In Fuge?


Would it be a good idea two put a pair of clowns in my fuge. The area in which they would be is 12g. it has sand, lr rubble, and a bunch of chaeto. Would it be a good idea to put a pair in there.
also, what do they eat?


Active Member
may be too small for 2 clowns. ive seen people have inverts in ther fuge or if its a real big fuge ive seen some fish (55g)


Active Member
At the point where you add fish or other predators to a fuge it is no longer a fuge, but another aquarium.

rod buehle

I agree, A refugium's original intentions were to provide refuge for the critters from predators (fish). I will admit to being guilty of telling people that its OK to house tiny, or injured fish in a refugium until they grow/heal, but like journyman said, its no longer a refugium then.


you could if it was a larger fuge but as they saud it deffeats the purpose of having a fuge if you are going to introduce preditors into it.