Clowns layed eggs???


I have 2 ocellaris clownfish that were in a 75gal reef tank now ive seen eggs before ( no clue what happend to them ) I went and got a 10gal tank to put the rock with the eggs on it into the 10gal i put a little bit more live rock in to about 3-4lbs total.
The tank came with a 18watt light ,heater,and a 10gal filter . I put a zoo-med power sweep 214 ( about 160gph opened a tiny bit to help move water)
i also put spong's over the filter so nothing would get sucked up into it .no sand on the bottom of tank just 6 small pic.of rock
My ? is will this work and if so how long will the eggs hatch. will post pic as soon as i can...Thank you 4 looking and helping


I have been looking at that page very helpfull but whould the setup i have work.. thanks 4 the post LSU
DONT WANT TO SOUND LIKE AN A** i need to read up on saltwater tanks and reef tanks more .have mine for a little over a 1 year -1 1/2 still no cule what im doing


Originally Posted by bennyhill
I have been looking at that page very helpfull but whould the setup i have work.. thanks 4 the post LSU
DONT WANT TO SOUND LIKE AN A** i need to read up on saltwater tanks and reef tanks more .have mine for a little over a 1 year -1 1/2 still no cule what im doing

they might hatch, but the air line really is the best way to do it, that tank shouldnt have a filter on it eather
the eggs will not handle temprature change at all, the air line should be placed right under the eggs so when the bubble passes by it will make the eggs move...
if they do hatch your going to be very sad to watch them all die, as from the sound of it you dont have the phyto growing and the rotifiers going eather do you plan to feed the fry?


Never realy thought about it .i know i know im dumb .i would have payed for everything i needed to .im going too read up on this some more the clowns seen to lay eggs every2 weeks thought i would try to see if i could get some babys ... thank 4 the info.


no everyone was right i realy need to read up on this more , I took everything out of the 10gal ( LR and the clowns ) and put them back into the 75gal .
dang clowns are at it again lol same place in the 75gal doing there little dance .. funny when i did i want to came back as my clown fish ,never off there hunnymoon. now what to do with the 10gal tank ??? any thoughts.