Originally Posted by Donna D
No they havent been scracthing against anything. All the test are good --salinity,ph,amn,nitrites,nitrates etc-- all good and they wont host my anemone either its driving me crazy. Its the 3rd one i got now. The very 1st clown did host him(and has since died)for reasons i dont know But having a hell of a time trying to find another good clown!!!! Fed up!!! I know i dont need one but he seems to do better w/ one.
Not all clowns will host anemone, sometimes they won't even come close to one, so that to me is not a bad sign. Since your last clown died and now the others are not doing good something is wrong, we just need to figure out what. I know you said your parameters are "good" but go ahead and list what they are, you might be missing something, or one of your tests might be bad, that does happen. What are you using to check your salinity. If you are using a hydrometer toss it out and get a refractometer, your salinity could be way off and you wouldn't know it. Are you using RO water or tap?