Clowns w/ hammer coral



Originally posted by THERICK
mine luuuuuuuvs my flowerpot.

My african clown is doing the same to my flower pot. Should i let him do that? i was afraid the flower pot might get upset. thought it's healthy looking to me.


My clown has been hanging in my flowerpot for 3 weeks now and the flower pot is healthier then ever. From my personal experience the clown has had no negative effect on the flowerpot.


There was just a post on here a little bit ago about clowns hosting mushrooms. :) I guess they'll do whatever the heck they want, haha.

yeffre kix

The flowerpot looks very healthy. How long have you had it? I've always liked the way they look but heard they were next to impossible to keep alive.


I have a pair of sebae clowns and a very similar looking flowerpot gionpora and once and a while i see that part of the flowerpot is pulled in. do you think the clowns are aggrivating the coral. As of right now i dont have much for them to spawn in. I have a gionpora, green zoos, xenia, and a very small pipe organ, oh yea and a small hammer coral. what do you think?


Mine hosted in my xenia until recently when it went to the great anemone in the sky.
My new ones seem to enjoy the bubble coral!


My purcula clown killed my flower pot , it woudl rub on it so much it never got to open like it should and after a month or so it died. I also read in a book that they do this sometimes . I have purchased another flower pot and the clown doesn;t mess with it. So watch out for the ill effect of the clown in teh flower pot


Active Member
I know a guy that told me his maroon clown killed his frogspawn with fanning his tail in it too much. I hope my pair of ocellaris don't kill my frogspawn. :eek: