clowns with clowns


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Most likely the tomato will not get along with the two percs. I would not risk it.

I have a maroon with 1 false perc and it is a tense relationship, almost to the point of the perc going back to the lfs.
Off topic Lion the lighting site was great. I am in your debt, AGAIN. Thank you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mcsd22
I have a maroon with 1 false perc and it is a tense relationship, almost to the point of the perc going back to the lfs.
Off topic Lion the lighting site was great. I am in your debt, AGAIN. Thank you.
No problem, I am glad that I could help.


Active Member
I think it depends on the personality of the fish. In my 125 I have a perc, skunk and large tomatoe. They all seem to get along fine, but then again, they have their own space. I have a gold stripe in a 10 gallon in my office at work and wouldn't put ANY fish in there with him. Just plain mean.
Good Luck!


We have a clarkii and had a black saddleback. The clarkii never let the other near our anenome, made a job of chasing it away all the time. unfortunately, we found the black saddleback out of the tank one nite. we figured he got chased out. won't be mixing clowns again.