clowns wont play in anemone


hey guys somone told me that if u stick a picture up to the glass of a clown playing in a anemone they will learn is that true

mini micro

New Member
LOL I have never heard of this method before though i'm sure it won't hurt to give it a go.
How long have they been in together?
I had my clownfish in my tank for ages before I got round to putting in my anemone, when I did they didn't take to it straight away it took them a while to investigate it.. Even now only one of my clowns lives in it and has grown alot larger than the other one even though they both started off the same size i'll try get a pic up for you!


it has been in there for about umm 2 or 3 weeks and my clowns are 2 perc clown with a bta and i have had my clowns in the tank for about umm 7 months and they have got up close to it just not got in it
The anemone species is the biggest factor. If it's a condy, they will never host it. Also, holding a picture up to the glass isn't going to "teach" them anything. They don't have depth perception to make anything out in a photograph.


well like i said i have a bta and 2 perc clowns so but hey umm i mean puting a pic up on the glass sounds stupid to me but hey i wouldnt care to try it so if any of you guys have a pic of perc clowns playing in a bta will u post it on here so i can try it?


Active Member
I've heard of the picture thing too.
My Clowns took 6 months to host in my BTA.
Some will simply never host. Nothing you can do.


I've done the picture thing, my clownfish always look at me like Im a big idiot ever since that day...
I'd post the picture and give them some time :p


2 things:
1. if your clown is a tank raised, then you may never see it host an aneome.
2. Not all anenome is hostable


Active Member
lol i woudlnt waste your time with that. just have some patience with it.. also research whether the anemone will host and what type of anemone is natural host for your clowns. they may or may never go into the anemone


I bought my BTA some frozen krill last night, put my gloves on and put it down into the BTA, my clowns followed it in. First time theyve even gotten near it. Afterwards, I noticed they kept going up to it and looking at it like when did you get here... I think that may have been a step forward.


Last night I put a picture of a tomato clown in an anemone on the glass where my tomato pair (tank raised) hang out. This morning they were playing around in my green bubble tip. I think it tends to take longer than one night, but it worked for me!


Active Member
I almost resorted to that method, but fortunately, my maroon hopped in my BTA before I got a chance.
I've heard mixed results; some people swear by it, others say it just made them feel stupid

Congrats on getting yours in, though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I was thinking the same thing only I need to find a picture of a woman cleaning a house... D'hoh....JK JK
