
tuna dan

I just got a pair of clowns about 1.5 inches long they seem fine during the day they are always together but at night they seem to sepreate one sleeps behind the rocks and the other stays in the corner is this normal?

tuna dan

KK thanks and another question I am trying to get them to eat flakes but they do not seem interested in it should i go get some frozen brine or what not?


Active Member
No brine, brine are not nutritious at all. You could try frozen formula 1 or 2... something like that.


Mysis also is good for clowns. It is a good idea to get liquid vitamin supplements to add to it when soaking in water (Vita Chem or Selcon are both great)


New Member
i've been feeding frozen mysis and frozen brine(vita enriched), and also spectrum pellets. they seem to love it all. mine also sleep seperate at night :)

tuna dan

tight tight my are sleeping seperate right now if i get them to host something they will sleep together?


Originally Posted by Tuna Dan
tight tight my are sleeping seperate right now if i get them to host something they will sleep together?
Maybe, maybe not. They will eventually get togeather once they figure out that there are no other clowns around. As far as hosting, captive bred clowns usually will not host in an anemone. Not to mention that anemones require pristine water and very intense lighting to survive.