

Ok so I just noticed my two false percs in the corner of my tank swimming vertical. In the same spot almsost as if the are crammed against the tank. Are the breeding?? Anyone know? Are they dying?


For a while, mine did that at night because i guess they didnt find a spot in the tank of their own. Im not sure if they still do it because theyre both dead, i got sold a fish with ich and it wiped everything out...
So if theyre new fish, i think its normal, but dont take my word...

sinner's girl

need more info. What size tank? How long have they been in your tank? Are they eating? what are your water levels? any other creatures or fish in the tank?


Ife they are eating with no visual disease they are , fine , my false perc ussually stay in the corner i think that is his area , there may be extra flow there that he likes ... but i qwouldnt worry to much if he eats .... ESPECIALLY if you can hand feed him


Is a 36g bowfront with 2 damsels that i cant catch and a sally light foot crab that stays in the rock. the salinity is 1.023 and everything else is 0. I have only had them 3 days
Thanks for the replies


Active Member
Originally Posted by wieselspor
Is a 36g bowfront with 2 damsels that i cant catch and a sally light foot crab that stays in the rock. the salinity is 1.023 and everything else is 0. I have only had them 3 days
Thanks for the replies
Give them a few more days to get adjusted. It took my naso tang 3 weeks before he was adjusted to our tank. Good Luck! :happyfish