Looking to stock my 30gal fish only tank and was wanting to add clowns. All i have in the tank are inverts, no fish added yet. Are all clowns compatible with one another except for the Maroon Clownfish?
Tricky man lol in my option yes. If added at the same time. I would also try and get a slightly larger one so they pair up as male female. Female being the larger
Tough question! IMHO, a fish doesn't know what its own markings look like. They are pre-wired to recognize the markings of the species. So, I suspect that when the snowflake ocellaris sees the black ice ocellaris, it will regard it as not an ocellaris, but as something else, possibly something else that should be attacked. If you do add them, please let us know how it goes, it is an interesting experiment.
Have an HOB refugium on its way. So after its installed I will begin stocking. Thinking of adding a coral beauty as well but concerned about clowns. Can they coexist fine?
W the angel or each other ? Clowns are fine w the angels. Each other, lol. If your worried get 2 of the same and u should be fine, or try the combo and see