(!@#$!!) Clowns


Are there any Clownfish that dont kick up sand? I really hate the way the tank looks when mine cloud up the water.I know its just them being Clownfish but Its really annoying. Im thinking of trading them at the LFS.


Yeah. I saw that after I posted. I feel like such a dork. Id hate to take em back. I traded back before and lost the new fish. I guess theyre going back. I hope I can catch them.


I made me a fish trap... just reduce the food for a week and then
use the trap, it never fails. You might end up having to catch ALL
the fish just to get to the one you want.... but it's better than
wrecking the tank just to catch the little blighters ;)


Active Member
I have 3 tanks with clowns. My perc in the reef tank never messes with the sand. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him at the bottom of the tank. My mated pair of australians have never messed with the sand in my community tank. But, my tomato in my aggressive tank does the sand dance a couple times a day. He swishes the sand up with his tail while my red coris wrasse looks for anything he may have uncovered. It's too funny. I don't mind in the aggressive tank because my huma spits sand all over anyway. If a clown did that in my reef I wouldn't be happy about it either.
Maybe it's a personality thing.


I hate for you to get rid of them, but my 2 maroon clowns do it several times daily. The female mostly, the male is too little to make the sand fan very much. I deal with it, but then again I am not doing a reef tank.
Good luck on catching them