

New Member
I got a question for you guys. I have 4 clown fish in the tank right now. But I seem to have 2 that is either sick (I hope not)and or lazy. They lay at the bottom on their belly then switch to their side like they are going to croak on me. Are clowns lazy or is this a sign of worse things to come.
Oh and another thing is I can come back 15 min later and they are swimming around like nothing was wrong. It is kinda like it is a pattern.
They dont seem to be taking to Flake food very well either. Seems like they are a picky eater.


I'm not positive your Clowns will die but my percula was doing the same thing and he just died. He became a picky eater and refused the food I gave him. Hope yours don't die too.
I also had a clown do that, I picked up a med that came in a little capsule, that you treat in the water as if he had a visible disease. I can't remember the name, but it listed alot of syptoms, and one was to get fish to eat again. It worked in a few days and he was fine. The fish staying at the bottom is a probably because they swim to breath, so he is not happy about something, is your pH okay? I hope they do alright!


I would say this is probably not a good sign, I have not known them to be inactive or picky eaters. They are the only fish I've owned that would eat flake stuff. If there are no visible signs of diasease though I would leave them or transfer to a qt if you have one. I hate to tell you to run down and buy meds when we don't have even the remotest clue whats wrong. Good Luck
[This message has been edited by Kris (edited 08-09-2000).]

mr . salty

Active Member
Sounds like a new tank,right? How old,what are the readings. I also agree these are normally VERY active fish. Mine never stop swimming around. Probably a water thing,or the fish were sick when you bought them. TELL US ABOUT THE TANK.........STEVE


New Member
Tank is brand new.... 55 gallon crushed coral for the bottom. under rock filter with 2 power heads and an over the back filter. few artifical plants and one big rock...
salt level 1.023

mr . salty

Active Member
I think we found the problem. Tour fish are under major stress from being in that tank while it's cycling. I would get them all out of there now. Fish should not be added for at least two weeks after you start it up. Especially four clowns. Is your rock LIVE ROCK?If not you may want to leave one fish in there to help the cycle..... STEVE


New Member
Not brand new..... Been going through the cycle for 7 weeks w/ 6 damsels.....
I thought you meant did I pick it up at a garage sale or something where germs and stuff could have attached itself to the tank..... Sorry about that.... I been through the cycling process.......

mr . salty

Active Member
That would have been too easy.Still sounds like a water thing. What are the rest of the readings? Amo,Nitrate Nitrita,PH ect???? STEVE

mr . salty

Active Member
JASON, You NEED a test kit. It's very important that you know what those readings are.Especially if your tank is under fifty gallons. As you know,things can change very quickly.And your lfs may not be open to test it for you when you need info NOW. Don't mean to sound preachy,but you've got at least 100 dollars worth of fish,Spend 30bucks for a kit. STEVE


New Member
No I will take any advice I can get...I dont want to lose any fish.... It is 55 gallons I sorta wish I had bigger but this is a good size for me to start at....
LFS is closed today I will make sure I pick one up tomorrow... Now if I can just get this damn lion fish to eat frozen food I will have it licked...


You said you have a lion-fish in with 6damsels and four clowns--I would think he'd be feeding himself.


New Member
He was feeding himself..... But he is down to the last 2 and I dont know if they are alil faster than the other 4..Or maybe he is just getting lazy.....