Clownser's 10g diary


Bought my lights today. Went with 9 Cool White LEDs and 9 Royal Blue LEDs with 2 Dimmable Meanwell Drivers! Will be buying the heatsink on thurday and then construction begins!!! Will post some pics once its all together!! The snails and hermits are still doing great! Probably in a 2 weeks (hopefully lights will be done) I will try adding my first fish!!


Still waiting on the lights but decided to add some fish and some other inverts...can't go to the pet store without coming back with something!!
Cleaner Shrimp

Sexy Shrimp

Pom Pom Crab

Looking good bro. Never heard of cycling a tank with mollys. I would have used the shrimp meathod but whatever works.
How are your critters doing? Are they eating well?
PS - you may have to spot feed at first


UPDATE: Canopy is done! Added a removable glass splash shield for easy cleaning. Just need to solder all the lights on and I am good to go!
