CLS plumbing opinions please

Thank you very much for the baby comment. We are quite proud of her. Went through the trenches getting her and she is our pride and joy. Looks like you have a cute little boy you are most certainly quite proud of as well.
Thanks for the link. I was wondering how his flow was actually going to be. Interested in what he does to try and increase flow and how it works. Any Idea on the strainer he used on the drain?


Active Member
he's using a dart to push the cls. i believe the dart is rated at 3600gph, but with friction, it'll probably be in the 3000-3200gph (not sure). and with 12 3/4" outlets the flow will be somthing like 250gph/ outlet. he has a few ideas about increasing the flow. altho the toal output will remiain uncheanged, unless he capped off a few outlets, he might pinch some of the pipe closed.
as far as the strainer goes, it was just a plastic housing that screwed into the bulkhead. looked just like one for a powerhead, but bigger. look at a maxijet to get an idea. i think that they came with the bulkheads. saltnoob can correct me if i'm wrong


Active Member
the strainers were purchased with the bulkheads but they do screw directly into them. you should be able to see some photos of them getting installed in the first pages.
edit, sorry there is no picture of the strainer!