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On a prior post, I wrote about something in my tank eating a mushroom and was seeking advice on what the problem might be, general concensus was a type of bristle worm, Spent two days and nights looking for the culprit. He also ate another shroom. Today I went ot my LFS that is incredible (SW fish only no equipment, tanks or anything) I told her what was going on and she kinda shrugged and said it sounded more like a mantis shrimp problem. Then she told me to go get some club soda (no joke) dip all my LR in it, the foaming and fiz will drive everything out of the rocks according to her, said she does it all the time with her LR when ever she has a bristle or mantis problem. Dip the LR once or twice in club soda, wait a minute or two, let the creatures crawl out and then dip them into tank water a couple of times and then put back into your tank. She said the best time to do this is when you do a water change, that way you have a bucket of tank water to rinse the LR in. This lady is well respected and knows what she doing, but I just want to hear if anyone else has ever done this.....She gave me frag of pink zoos at N/C maybe 12 polyps on it, I asked her how much it was and she just goes, take it, bring ME something the next time you come in, how cool.