Cluster duster


Hi all. I have quite a few, I guess they're called cluster dusters, in my one tank. They're not real big, but very pretty. Well, I was wondering how I might be able to move a few to another tank. I only have them in this one tank, and I would like to get some started in another tank. They are all attached to the live rock, and I really don't want to be moving any of that. Any suggestions??

bang guy

Hi Sharon,
From what I understand they do very poorly if removed from the rock. With that in mind I really don't know how to advise you on splitting them up.


Active Member
the only thing I can recommend is to grab the smallest piece of rock that has a few on and put it in the tank. bang guy is right.. of course.. and they do poorly if torn off the rock, as they will be torn in any way you do it.


Thanks guys. I certainly don't want to damage the little guys. I will get a small piece of rock and put it in there. I am sure that sooner or later, they will start growing on it, and then I can put it in the other tank.