C'mon everyone, who is the KING OF YOUR TANK?


i would say my clown when i added a pair of them the female chased all the other fish for about 3 days and pushed the male around also. but she chilled out now, just a show of dominance. also my kole and alge blenny battle it out a bit over food.


my coral beauty deffinately runs the show. my bicolor dottyback runs for his cave every time the coral swims by.


mine would have to be my zebra morey eel...doesn't really bother anyone but everyone makes sure to stay out of his way... :D
Right now, since my tank is still fairly new, my cleaner shrimp. His highlight of the day is to be hand-fed and then clean my fingers.....pretty amazing critter.


New Member
That would have to be my Emperor Angel. Still just a juvenile, he's definately "da man"! The last fish added about six months ago, didn't take him long to become head of the household over kole tang,2 perculas,2 green chromis.