Co Co Pods...

salty jeff

I want to cut down my co co pod population. I don't want to buy a Mandarin because it will just starve to death in about 6 months. Does anyone have any tips for me.


Active Member
They are a very very very very good thing to have, and the ecosystem is basically a failure without them in my opinion, as they are a big player in the food chain. They are food for an incredible amount of things.


PODS are a great thing to have!! But if you really don't want them scrape them off the glass and give 'em to me:D
Well, if you really want to get rid of them and don't wanna send them to me, get a healthy and hearty eating scooter blenny, they will eat the pods then you can feed it brine shrimp soaked in garlic


Active Member
I dont know for sure, but I am going to make an educated guess that they will only reproduce to populations that can be sustained by the available food supply. So to answer your question, no it is doubtful that they could ever overrun a tank. And to cut down on the population, all though i am not sure why you would want to, all you have to do is cut back on the food supply.

salty jeff

Thanks again!
I'll cut down on the phyto. I know they are beneficial and the way I got them was to look for a rock at my LFS's display tanks and asked if I could but it. I did and brought it home and here we are.


does anybody have pics of different pods or a site with pics? I'm trying to find out what I have in my tank. It kinda looks like a pac-man ghost from the video game.


Sammy, the thing I have swims like a jelly and has a iridescent dot in the center of the body. Only seen it once and the fish wont eat it. The coral Beauty I had took a bite and spit out quick.