

Coach do you think it's possibe my 90 gal. could be cycled already? I've tested everyday since setting it up and the ammo. has been 0, my ph has stayed at about 8.3, and my nitartes have been about 40-60. I just tested it today and the nitrates have went down to a little below 20. Do you think it's cycled? IMO I would say yes but I'm not sure. :notsure:


Active Member
what did you put in it to start the amm.?? it's not going to cycle itself unless you use LR or a shrimp(dead)


I know, I put about 60 lbs. of LR from 55 gal. in it. And I have 120 lbs of LS. I also put some of my cheato from my refuge on the 55 gal in the 90's sump. Do you think that may have cycled it?


Active Member
give it a week 5-7 days and if you have no fluctuation at the end of 5 days (testingeveryday at diffrent times each day) id say your good to go. if you have a fluctiuation in a level or 2 then go to 7 days with the process.


That's what I was thinking. But if I can I want to transfer everything.
I'll wait and test for another 5 days. Thanks again coach


Active Member
i'm going off line here for a week or 2 to move on sat.. so i'll check back then if you need anything else