coarline alge

how many pounds of live rock do you have ? did you check your calcium level ? coralline algae doesn't need much light just a good amount of calcium in the tank to grow and it takes a few weeks for it to start spreading. I myself have about 10 lbs of fiji live rock and the purple/red coralline algae it had turned white and stayed that way for about a week and now its slowly coming back all the colors are there green/pink/red/purple slowly spreading again. I think it just depends if your rock had any of that algae to begin with ? i dont know for sure :p

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by nofishnplease
is their a miniunm lighting i need to get coarline to grow. tank is 4-5 years old. fowlr/ls.
I've grow coralline in tanks with a 55 PC and regular highoutput flourescent bulbs, right now I have coralline growing in my 20 gallon sump, with a 15 watt PC, so I would say not (although I'm not sure it will grow with regular flourescent lights). I agree with AlienHybridX, you have to introduce it to the system, but any good quality LR should have some on it to begin with.
i just started to add preimun live rock that does have it. but i doesnt seem to be spreading. none on the glass. do i need a certain amount for it to take off.
What Ive seen work is make sure your calcium is up...and then take a piece that has a decent amount on it and lift it up to your powerhead and take like a butter knife and just agitate some off and it will seed most of your tank.


ive had plenty of coraline algae grow in refugiums with normal output flourescent lighting.. not even high output.. calcium definately plays a role in the development of it, as stated above.. it will grow in time if your calcium is at a decent level (doenst even have to be high up there), but seeding it like said above will speed up the process if u are in a hurry to have to scrape that stuff off the glass..


Active Member
Keep up on your water changes as well. I suspect, based on simple observations and correlations between coralline blooms on my glass and water changes, that there are other key trace elements it needs.